martes, 14 de diciembre de 2021

Time travel to the future


I would not like to travel to the future so much, for some reason it does not seem so interesting to me. I think that the things that I am interested in discovering are related to the past but if I had to travel to the future I would like to see the end of the world hahaha I think it would be a very useful and unique knowledge.

I would also like to travel five or ten years to the future and find myself to know what I will transform into, what things will I live, what will my difficulties and weaknesses be and I will use that knowledge to become what I would like to become in ten years.

I would not like to stay in the future. I imagine that I would feel confused, the world would seem meaningless to me because I would not know the reasons for that context. I think that the future presents internal limitations for those who travel in time because there is a lapse that is unknown that will make the traveler feel that this is not his world.

I would like to think that you can travel in time to know the future and change it from the present, but perhaps it may be too late to change the future from the present, perhaps you have to travel to the past to transform it. But why would I want to change something? can this be done?

My future job


I would like to work as a writer. write in newspapers, magazines, novels and all kinds of writing.

I imagine it is intense, exhausting and very entertaining work. I think it must be very difficult to be writing all the time, especially when the job it is for others, but I think that living between words, thoughts and discovering new things bring many gratifications.

I think that the work of a writer like that of any artist is linked to its context, that is why it must be constantly looking for that link.

I think that the job of a writer is look the world and then think about it alone and from there imagine.

I do not imagine the salary that could have. the truth is that I would like it not to be much and have to work for newspapers to increase the salary but live well, without great luxuries. just travel.


I am studying architecture and I have a few years left to specialize but I think I will choose something related to history or heritage because I like research. I think that it could help me to know different things, of other times, of other ways of living.

what is the link between architecture and literature? I will explain this in another time.

viernes, 15 de octubre de 2021


 Hallo everyone, today I will talk to about Algarrobo. It is 120 km from Santiago and it ist located in the quinta region. Algarrobo was born as a fishing village at seashore. later it was transformed into a watering place.This caused the fishermen to be transferred to a town far from the sea and houses were built in the place where they used to have their huts. My grandfather bought a house in the 50's. At that time it was full of forests and the house was practically the only one in what would later become the block.

 Since a little before the pandemic I have lived there. I really like Algarrobo. memories of my childhood cross my mind in every corner. When I was a boy Algarrobo was still a lonely town for much of the year. There were hardly any buildings, the nights were dark and silent only the noise of the waves walked the streets at night. Now it has changed, it has become a small town. Many young people have come to live and this has changed the rhythm of the city. I really like to see how the city changes, grows, destroys its history to create another, while the sea, the rocks and the sky continue their course immutable.

sábado, 2 de octubre de 2021

Something about my career


My first career was gastronomy. That led me to Europe for some time. When I was there I started to notice a lot of similarities with Chile and a lot of differences but those differences didn’t align with a more digital world. There was something in the way of inhabit that resulted completely different and at the same time inside that difference I still recognized something from Chile. That simple observation led me to want an understanding of a series of social fenomens culturals, politics, historic, philosophy, artistic and architectural. That was the way that I

I’ve enjoyed my career a lot. I like the difficulties that are proposed. I like the work of the workshop and inside all of this process Mario Marchant has been very important to me. He really has helped me to understand the architecture more, to learn to think from the architecture and to erase all those ideas that don't belong there . He has been my profesor the last two semesters and I’ve been working more than the years before. Sadly I haven’t met him in person but that soon will pass.

jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2021

the best concert ever


One of the best concerts that I went to was in 2019 in Luna Park in Buenos aires. I went to see Babasonicos with my partner. Is one of my favourite bands. It’s an argentinian band that started in the early 90s as a part of the new argentinian rock and evolved into one of the icons of the under scene. Through the years they experimented mixing sounds of different kinds of music.


That day we arrived really early to Luna Park. Outside there were people drinking beer, smoking cigarettes or marijuana. The stadium filled up slowly and half an hour before the concert everybody was singing and asking for the band to come out. The concert was incredible, the people move and sing in sync with the rhythms of punk, rock, electro, pop, traveling through the songs of the band in a journey between the new and old discs. The lights and screens elevated the show, making it a complete espectacle. When we headed out of the stadium we were a little aphonic, we bought some beers in the street and we walked with a big group of people that was in the concert, we went together for a while as we walked in buenos aires aheaded to recoleta and slowly we were separating and leaving them behind.

It was an incredible day, full of different emotions, full of euphoria, happiness, melancholy and a strong feeling of freedom.

jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2021

A country you would like to visit

I would like to visit Russia because it seems to me a mysterious country. It´s a very vast territory that borders many countries and mix their culture. I am interested in its history, its transformations, its different architectures.

Russia is a place of workers and peasants, a country of diverse ideals and the country of my two favorite writers: Tolstoy and Dostoevsky.
I would like to be able to visit Russia, especially the small towns and take the trans siberian railway. I would like to work in architecture for a while and be able to discover what makes them so special to me.
Maybe it all started when I was a child and my mother gave me a Russian storybook illustrated by Ivan Bilibin I loved. some time later I had that same feeling when reading tolstoy and dostoevsky something in those images and stories had something mysterious for me. I think that you could find that mysterious element in the small towns of Russia.

jueves, 27 de mayo de 2021


Hi everyone Today I'm going to show you one of my favorite photos, I like it because the place and the atmosphere in it seem beautiful to me. I took this photo, in a spring day on 2016 when I was still living at my mother's house in Santiago. in that time I used to go up on the roof in the afternoon and And I used to see the sky until night.

In this photo you can see the jacaranda at the top, in the background against the light you can see the acasio that was in a nearby passage and behind it the clouds.

I like this photo because it reminds me of a time that is gone, the life seemed more placid and innocent to me. These images and memories are part of my imagination, when I imagine an afternoon, a house, it is always that house, that afternoon.

Time travel to the future

  I would not like to travel to the future so much, for some reason it does not seem so interesting to me. I think that the things that I am...