jueves, 15 de abril de 2021

my auto biography

 Hi everybody, i would like to talk you a little about me. My name is Francisco Valladares, i was born in november 3rd of 1989 in santiago de chile. in the present time i live in algarrobo, i have lived here the last three years.

i studied in waldorf school until 8th grade, then i moved to argentina to play tennisfor four years, i was home schooled and every summer i cameback to chile to take my finals. after that i studied cuisine in ecole culinair francaise in santiago. when i finished i went to work for a restaurant in issoudun, france. after six months i left and traveled across the europe. one day in a public bus of madrid, i realised how everything in the city was similar to chile, but in madrid worked better, why?. because of this i want to study architecture. now im studying in universidad de chile.

i live with my partner, a dog and a cat, they like to sit under the sun, take long walks and spleep. my partner is studying acting. 

my mother, her boyfriend and my father live in santiago; not under the same roof.

i love to read  novels, poetry and philosophy, i like to watch movies, paint, i really enjoy to look the sky and the people passing by.

when i was a child i wanted to be a samurai, rally driver, dj, paleontologist and as we know in chile "sapo de micro" but thist doesn't exist anymore. 

that's all for now, bye 

4 comentarios:

  1. OOH WOW, in my career theres a girl that also studied cuisine and went to Argentina, How small the word is, isn't it?, I'm very curious about the cuisine world, can you talk about it?, it's okay if you don't but sounds interesting

  2. Hi Francisco, i have a brother with your name, but him work in the construction, now him sell things for internet.
    About of the tennis, this is of my favorite sports, together with the volleyball and football.

  3. Hey! i hope you're doing well, would you mind to share a little more about your experience in europe? i want to go to greece so bad.

  4. Hey, I really liked your life story, I feel it’s a dream come true to be able to travel across Europe like you did! You sound like a really interesting person to talk to.


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