sábado, 2 de octubre de 2021

Something about my career


My first career was gastronomy. That led me to Europe for some time. When I was there I started to notice a lot of similarities with Chile and a lot of differences but those differences didn’t align with a more digital world. There was something in the way of inhabit that resulted completely different and at the same time inside that difference I still recognized something from Chile. That simple observation led me to want an understanding of a series of social fenomens culturals, politics, historic, philosophy, artistic and architectural. That was the way that I

I’ve enjoyed my career a lot. I like the difficulties that are proposed. I like the work of the workshop and inside all of this process Mario Marchant has been very important to me. He really has helped me to understand the architecture more, to learn to think from the architecture and to erase all those ideas that don't belong there . He has been my profesor the last two semesters and I’ve been working more than the years before. Sadly I haven’t met him in person but that soon will pass.

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