jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2021

the best concert ever


One of the best concerts that I went to was in 2019 in Luna Park in Buenos aires. I went to see Babasonicos with my partner. Is one of my favourite bands. It’s an argentinian band that started in the early 90s as a part of the new argentinian rock and evolved into one of the icons of the under scene. Through the years they experimented mixing sounds of different kinds of music.


That day we arrived really early to Luna Park. Outside there were people drinking beer, smoking cigarettes or marijuana. The stadium filled up slowly and half an hour before the concert everybody was singing and asking for the band to come out. The concert was incredible, the people move and sing in sync with the rhythms of punk, rock, electro, pop, traveling through the songs of the band in a journey between the new and old discs. The lights and screens elevated the show, making it a complete espectacle. When we headed out of the stadium we were a little aphonic, we bought some beers in the street and we walked with a big group of people that was in the concert, we went together for a while as we walked in buenos aires aheaded to recoleta and slowly we were separating and leaving them behind.

It was an incredible day, full of different emotions, full of euphoria, happiness, melancholy and a strong feeling of freedom.

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