jueves, 9 de septiembre de 2021

A country you would like to visit

I would like to visit Russia because it seems to me a mysterious country. It´s a very vast territory that borders many countries and mix their culture. I am interested in its history, its transformations, its different architectures.

Russia is a place of workers and peasants, a country of diverse ideals and the country of my two favorite writers: Tolstoy and Dostoevsky.
I would like to be able to visit Russia, especially the small towns and take the trans siberian railway. I would like to work in architecture for a while and be able to discover what makes them so special to me.
Maybe it all started when I was a child and my mother gave me a Russian storybook illustrated by Ivan Bilibin I loved. some time later I had that same feeling when reading tolstoy and dostoevsky something in those images and stories had something mysterious for me. I think that you could find that mysterious element in the small towns of Russia.

1 comentario:

  1. Wow, Russia. I have visited (in 1987), and I can speak and understand the language to a certain degree. I have very mixed feelings about this country: cetainly I love its literature (especially Dostoyevsky) and music. Besides, it is a vast and complex country with many different ethnic groups and indigenous groups in various areas. Certainly it is fascinating.


Time travel to the future

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