martes, 14 de diciembre de 2021

My future job


I would like to work as a writer. write in newspapers, magazines, novels and all kinds of writing.

I imagine it is intense, exhausting and very entertaining work. I think it must be very difficult to be writing all the time, especially when the job it is for others, but I think that living between words, thoughts and discovering new things bring many gratifications.

I think that the work of a writer like that of any artist is linked to its context, that is why it must be constantly looking for that link.

I think that the job of a writer is look the world and then think about it alone and from there imagine.

I do not imagine the salary that could have. the truth is that I would like it not to be much and have to work for newspapers to increase the salary but live well, without great luxuries. just travel.


I am studying architecture and I have a few years left to specialize but I think I will choose something related to history or heritage because I like research. I think that it could help me to know different things, of other times, of other ways of living.

what is the link between architecture and literature? I will explain this in another time.

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