viernes, 30 de abril de 2021

 hi, today i will tell you about my favotite pice of technology, it's not easy to me because I'm not good with the technology but i think that is my computer. i bought it a few months ago thinking on my career, since then i use it everyday. I'm learning to use video editing programs, music editing programs because i enjoy playing guitar and film videos then i want to edit my works myself maybe I could make a movie and be the cannes winner or i could be a trap singer with a classic guitar like a c tangana but all in the same person. 

i like my computer because it's nice, i like its color, the design, the graphics card jaja. 

i think my life would be more complicated without my computer, i couldn't edit my own works i would be rely on other peoples for this. 

this is my computer sunbathing 

jueves, 22 de abril de 2021

                            Why did you choose this career?

Hi everyone, How I told you before, when I was child I wanted to be a paleontologist, I imagined finding dinosaur fossils, years after this i thought of studying archeology but this didn't last long.

When i had  to choose a career, it was clear to me. I wanted to study architecture, because when I was in Madrid, one day in a public bus, I thought that everything in the city was similar to Chile, but in madrid worked better. That motivated me to study. When I entered the Fau we were not in a pandemic, I really had a good time there, the experience is totally different from being in person to being through a computer talking about architecture. I miss the hours in the pircas doing nothing, talking or drinking. I hope that we will meet other human beings soon. 
when I finish my career i would like to write papers or books about architecture, maybe I want to be a  teacher. another thing i really want to do is a film.  

jueves, 15 de abril de 2021

my auto biography

 Hi everybody, i would like to talk you a little about me. My name is Francisco Valladares, i was born in november 3rd of 1989 in santiago de chile. in the present time i live in algarrobo, i have lived here the last three years.

i studied in waldorf school until 8th grade, then i moved to argentina to play tennisfor four years, i was home schooled and every summer i cameback to chile to take my finals. after that i studied cuisine in ecole culinair francaise in santiago. when i finished i went to work for a restaurant in issoudun, france. after six months i left and traveled across the europe. one day in a public bus of madrid, i realised how everything in the city was similar to chile, but in madrid worked better, why?. because of this i want to study architecture. now im studying in universidad de chile.

i live with my partner, a dog and a cat, they like to sit under the sun, take long walks and spleep. my partner is studying acting. 

my mother, her boyfriend and my father live in santiago; not under the same roof.

i love to read  novels, poetry and philosophy, i like to watch movies, paint, i really enjoy to look the sky and the people passing by.

when i was a child i wanted to be a samurai, rally driver, dj, paleontologist and as we know in chile "sapo de micro" but thist doesn't exist anymore. 

that's all for now, bye 

Time travel to the future

  I would not like to travel to the future so much, for some reason it does not seem so interesting to me. I think that the things that I am...